Rosie, the Labrador Retriever Avoids Surgery for CCL Rupture using Physiotherapy and a Solid Rehabilitation Plan

This is the story of Rosie, the Labrador Retriever, who managed to avoid intense and expensive surgery thanks to canine physiotherapy and a rehabilitation plan.
When Rosie was only 18 months old, her owners noticed that she became lame in her right hind leg following walks. On examination, her vet discovered that her stifle (knee) caused pain when moved. X-Rays didn’t show any obvious cause. It was determined that she was suffering a Cruciate Tear, also know as a CCL (cranial cruciate ligament) Rupture. With Rosie not being insured like many dogs, the owners decided not to put Rosie through expensive surgery. Instead, they opted to proceed with conservative care management with physiotherapy. At Petffisio, Rosie began an intensive programme stretching over 12 weeks for her rehabilitation plan and weekly physiotherapy sessions.
The outcome was fantastic for Rosie! She not only avoided surgery but went on to make a full recovery and is back to playing on Pembray beach, Carmarthenshire in West Wales, with her brother Max.
Rosie’s story is testament to the real difference professional physiotherapy for dogs and a solid rehabilitation plan can achieve for our pets.
Find out more about Petffisio’s physiotherapy for dogs, horses, and cats here.